BioStock has interviewed CEO Nils Brünner and CSO Jan Stenvang about the recently published pre-clinical results for SCO-201 and pre-clinical data on SCO-101 supporting the concept that SCO-101 is able to restore the sensitivity to a specific type of chemotherapy applied in the treatment of colorectal cancer patients.
The interview can be read here:
Scandion Oncology meddelar positiva resultat med två toppkandidater
Scandion Oncology har en målsättning: att bekämpa cancers resistensförmåga mot dagens tillgängliga behandlingar. Resistens mot cancerläkemedel tros ligga bakom 50 procent av alla cancerrelaterade dödsfall hos patienter som genomgår läkemedelsbehandling.
Stark pipeline 
Bolagets främsta kandidat mot cancerläkemedelsresistens, SCO-101, utvecklas som en kombinationsterapi för patienter med metastaserad och kemoterapiresistent kolorektalcancer.
Utvecklingen av SCO-101 har redan visat att Scandion Oncology är ett bolag med en innovativ pipeline. Detta uppmärksammades nyligen av den danska regeringen som tilldelade bolaget ett bidrag på 5 miljoner DKK genom Innovation Fund Denmark för att genomföra en fas II-Proof-of-Concept-studie i patienter med bukspottkörtel. Läs mer här.
Scandion Oncologys pipeline innehåller också två andra kandidater som just nu genomgår studier: SCO-201 och SCO-301, samt analoger som fortfarande befinner sig i Discovery-fas. Den senaste tiden har bolaget dessutom varit aktivt med att demonstrera styrkan i sin kandidatportfölj.
Positiva prekliniska resultat med SCO-201
Förra veckan kunde Scandion Oncology meddela positiva prekliniska resultat med SCO-201. Resultaten, som publicerades i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Cells, visar att SCO-201 är en specifik, potent och potentiellt icke-toxisk läkemedelskandidat som riktar sig mot, och har kapacitet, att upphäva effekten av protein som tillhör gruppen ABC-bärare. Dessa proteiners pumpar ut kemoterapi ur cellerna och skapar verkar därigenom spela en nyckelroll i cancercellernas förmåga att motstå kemoterapi. Förmågan att hindra ABC-proteinerna är därför en mekanism som är avgörande när det gäller att förhindra läkemedelsresistens. Dessutom finns det i nuläget inga godkända läkemedel som kan motverka ABC-bärare, så SCO-201 skulle äntra en helt öppen marknad vid ett marknadsgodkännande.
Scandion Oncologys CSO Jan Stenvang kommenterade resultaten såhär:
»We are very pleased about the results that we have obtained in our pre-clinical studies with SCO-201. These studies conclude that SCO-201 is a highly promising drug candidate for drug-resistant cancer where overexpression of ABC transporters is a key mechanism of drug resistance. This finding is of great importance, in commercial aspects, and for our future development pipeline«
SCO-101 data skulle presenterats vid AACR
Att döma av både bidraget från Innovation Fund Denmark för en kliniskt fas II-arbete med SCO-101 och de positiva prekliniska data med SCO-201 så händer det mycket i Scandion Oncology just nu. Men bolaget har ännu mer på gång, vilket man också hade planerat att avslöja vid AACR-konferensen (American Association for Cancer Research) som skulle äga rum i San Diego nästa månad.
AACR har mer än 46 000 medlemmar i 127 länder och anses vara den största organisationen för cancerforskning vars syfte är att påskynda kampen mot cancer. 24 000 delegater från 80 länder och mer än 500 utställare väntades närvara vid San Diego-evenemanget. Att presentera vid konferensen är en viktig chans att öka kunskapen om bolagets resultat och locka till sig uppmärksamhet från stora aktörer inom cancerforskning och onkologi.
Konferensen har dock skjutits fram som en säkerhetsåtgärd för att förhindra spridning av coronaviruset i USA och planeras istället genomföras senare i år (läs mer om coronaviruset här).
Både Jan Stenvang och Scandion Oncologys CMO Peter Michael Vestlev hade fått abstrakt accepterade för presentation vid konferensen, det gällde såväl prekliniska data och studiedesignen för den kommande fas II-studien med SCO-101. Den prekliniska studien designades för att understödja den kommande Proof-of-Concept-studien med SCO-101.
Scandion Oncology är på gång
BioStock kontaktade Nils Brünner, vd på Scandion Oncology, för att ta del av hans syn på de publicerade SCO-201-resultaten, och bolagets CSO, Jan Stenvang, för att få veta mer om vad han och Peter Michael Vestlev skulle presenterat vid AACR.
Nils Brünner, the positive preclinical results with SCO-201 are a big step in the right direction for your candidate. Could you tell us, in brief, what is SCO-201? And how is it different from SCO-101?
– SCO-201 is a very different molecule compared to our other candidates.

Nils Brünner, vd Scandion Oncology
We thus see SCO-201 as an important compound to treat drug resistance in cancer forms where SCO-101 or our third candidate, SCO-301, may not work.
Why are the published preclinical results important? And what do they imply for moving forward with the development of SCO-201?
– I believe that not only our stockowners, but also potential future partners would like to know what we are doing with our different drug candidates. By presenting these SCO-201 preclinical data we want to send a message that we are actively advancing our pipeline. These results mean that we can proceed with the next step in the development of SCO-201 – toxicity studies in animal models.
What are the target indications for SCO-201?
– It might be a little too early to decide on this, but it could be non-small cell lung cancer patients with drug resistant disease.
Scandion Oncology’s CSO Jan Stenvang mentioned how these results are important especially for the commercial aspects. Could you expand on that statement?
– Scandion Oncology is not a one-drug company. We have our drug screening platform and will be able to identify more candidates if needed. For a potential partner, I believe that it will be important that there is more than one drug in development. It should be reminded that we have already issued patents for SCO-201.
Jan Stenvang, you recently received the news that Scandion Oncology had two abstracts accepted for presentations at the AACR. How big a deal is this for the company?

Jan Stenvang, CSO Scandion Oncology
– Many international drug companies will be present at AACR. They usually “scout” for new projects, and I am sure they will show up to our presentations to learn more about Scandion Oncology and our candidates. Furthermore, face-to-face meetings are very often arranged between small biotech companies and big pharma at such conferences, so the implications are quite important.
You are first author for one of the abstracts. Could you, in short, tell us a little about what you and Peter Michael Vestlev would have presented at AACR?
– We wanted to apply a model system that mimics the clinical situation for our Phase II study enrolling chemotherapy-resistant colorectal cancer patients. Therefore, we applied a model system of chemotherapy-resistant colon cancer cells and investigated the effect of SCO-101. We found that SCO-101 restored the sensitivity of the resistant colon cancer cells, which is exactly what we hope to see in the clinical Phase II study. The data demonstrates that both a kinase and an ABC transporter efflux protein was responsible for the ability to re-store the sensitivity of resistant colon cancer cells.
– Peter Michael Vestlev would have presented our clinical Phase II trial. Briefly, the clinical study is designed so that the enrolled colorectal cancer patients initially responded to the chemotherapy and subsequently developed resistance, which is mimicked by our pre-clinical model system. The study comprises of two parts. In the first part, the dose of SCO-101 is gradually increased, and the primary endpoints are safety and toxicity; also, the optimal dose of SCO-101 in combination with chemotherapy will be defined. In the second part, the optimal dose will be applied to more patients and the primary endpoint is objective response rate.
No date has yet been set for a rescheduled AACR meeting. Do you hope you will still get a chance to present this data?
– The feedback from AACR is that they are currently investigating options for rescheduling the Annual Meeting in the near future. Thus, I hope very much that we will be able to participate and present the data at the annual AACR meeting later in 2020.
What impact does this data have on the Proof-of-Concept trial with SCO-101?
– The pre-clinical data strongly support the concept that SCO-101 is able to restore the sensitivity to a specific type of chemotherapy applied in the treatment of colorectal cancer patients. Furthermore, the identified mechanisms of actions has revealed novel potential biomarkers and these will also be included in the clinical study.
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